Casita Verde, a fantastic site for a permaculture design course - home to the Greenheart Ibiza movement, which boasts a 25 year history of ecological education on the island. Featuring numerous examples of eco-buildings, along with multiple examples of on-site energy generation, water storage and management, compost toilets and carob and aloe cultivation. A fabulous opportunity for students of permaculture to see a living, breathing centre for change. Chris Dews, founder of Greenheart Ibiza and Casita Verde, will be part of the teaching team for this course. The site is nestled in the countryside between the famous party town of San Antonio and the charming Ibiza town. On the 5th of October Greenheart organise the Ibiza Spirit Festival, and everyone's invited!
Dates: 22 September- 4 October 2014. You would have to arrive on the 21st of September in order to start the course early the next day.
Minimum Donation:
€500, all food (veg), tent accommodation and classes;
€725, all food (veg), shared accommodation in the eco-buildings (limited) and classes.
Course program:
The 72 hour PDC at Casita Verde follows the curriculum as laid out in Bill Mollison's Permaculture - A Designer's Manual. It covers subjects ranging from ethics and principles of permaculture, natural systems, aquaculture, sustainable design methods, patterns in nature, land restoration, water harvesting, grey water recycling, natural building, food forests and guilds, energy conservation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, urban permaculture and invisible structures.
The design course teaches how to develop sustainable human settlements, and how to extend and preserve natural systems. The content will be covered alternating between theoretical lectures and practical applications. The teaching style aims to run immersion courses that utilize the collective intelligence of the group with engaging participatory clases.
Teachers: George Christofis, Chris Dews and Anna Zisa
The site offers space to pitch a tent, WC/shower and access to electricity. If you prefer staying at the accommodations of Casita verde let us know!
What to bring?
- comfortable clothes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
- note taking (blank pages recommended) and drawing materials
- a tent and whatever makes you comfortable for a good sleep (for campers)
- flashlight/torch
-ecological body care products
-sturdy shoes
- a swimming suit for the day off at the beach
-musical instruments, if you have!
How to get to Casita Verde, Ibiza, Spain?
Click here.
Casita Verde, a fantastic site for a permaculture design course - home to the Greenheart Ibiza movement, which boasts a 25 year history of ecological education on the island. Featuring numerous examples of eco-buildings, along with multiple examples of on-site energy generation, water storage and management, compost toilets and carob and aloe cultivation. A fabulous opportunity for students of permaculture to see a living, breathing centre for change. Chris Dews, founder of Greenheart Ibiza and Casita Verde, will be part of the teaching team for this course. The site is nestled in the countryside between the famous party town of San Antonio and the charming Ibiza town. On the 5th of October Greenheart organise the Ibiza Spirit Festival, and everyone's invited!
Dates: 22 September- 4 October 2014. You would have to arrive on the 21st of September in order to start the course early the next day.
Minimum Donation:
€500, all food (veg), tent accommodation and classes;
€725, all food (veg), shared accommodation in the eco-buildings (limited) and classes.
Course program:
The 72 hour PDC at Casita Verde follows the curriculum as laid out in Bill Mollison's Permaculture - A Designer's Manual. It covers subjects ranging from ethics and principles of permaculture, natural systems, aquaculture, sustainable design methods, patterns in nature, land restoration, water harvesting, grey water recycling, natural building, food forests and guilds, energy conservation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, urban permaculture and invisible structures.
The design course teaches how to develop sustainable human settlements, and how to extend and preserve natural systems. The content will be covered alternating between theoretical lectures and practical applications. The teaching style aims to run immersion courses that utilize the collective intelligence of the group with engaging participatory clases.
Teachers: George Christofis, Chris Dews and Anna Zisa
The site offers space to pitch a tent, WC/shower and access to electricity. If you prefer staying at the accommodations of Casita verde let us know!
What to bring?
- comfortable clothes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
- note taking (blank pages recommended) and drawing materials
- a tent and whatever makes you comfortable for a good sleep (for campers)
- flashlight/torch
-ecological body care products
-sturdy shoes
- a swimming suit for the day off at the beach
-musical instruments, if you have!
How to get to Casita Verde, Ibiza, Spain?
Click here.
How to participate?
Step 1: Please fill out the registration form
Step 2: Make a €100 deposit to reserve your space.
Step 3: Come and have a wonderful experience
Step 1: Please fill out the registration form
Step 2: Make a €100 deposit to reserve your space.
Step 3: Come and have a wonderful experience
Make a deposit of €100 to hold your space!!! Note, that in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled you will be given a full refund.
PDC, permaculture design course Ibiza, permaculture design course Spain, Permaculture design course europe