To participate, please fill out the registration form and pay a small deposit of €50 here.
A wonderful summer course in a wonderful location! Come and learn how to approach environmental regeneration with excitement and positivity with some of the loveliest hosts you'll find on the planet! You'll leave looking at the world in a new light, with a sharpened resolve for environmental action by working with nature and with the foundations to be the change you wish to see.
During the course we hope several of the 30 varieties of tomatoes growing on site will be harvested - a great opportunity to learn about yield extension. It's also a marvel for the eyes!
Ekbacka Gård is a lovely self sustainable farm set on 20ha and located 30 kilometres from Kalmar and 15 km from the Baltic coast. Using permaculture techniques and biodynamical farming it is a fabulous example of food production and sustainable living. Since 2006 the farm has been run by Bo, Katrin and the help of their 5 children and volunteers. They added their animals (horses, goats, chickens, dogs, cats) and their dream of developing an eco village. This is a great opportunity for students to see a real project where permaculture is combined successfully with community and family life. You can read more about them here.
PDC dates: 15-29 Aug, 2018
€470, staying off-site, lunch only
€670, all food (organic veg), tent accommodation, classes
€770, all food (organic veg), dorm accommodation, classes
€920, all food (organic veg), single room (shared bathroom)
Course program:
The 72 hour PDC follows the curriculum as laid out in Bill Mollison's Permaculture - A Designer's Manual. It covers subjects ranging from ethics and principles of permaculture, natural systems, aquaculture, sustainable design methods, patterns in nature, land restoration, water harvesting, grey water recycling, natural building, food forests and guilds, energy conservation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, urban permaculture and invisible structures.
The design course teaches how to develop sustainable human settlements, and how to extend and preserve natural systems. The content will be covered alternating between theoretical lectures and practical applications. The teaching style aims to run immersion courses that utilize the collective intelligence of the group with engaging participatory classes.
Teachers: George Christofis, Katrin Schwere, Luke Manders
The site offers compost toilets, solar showers and access to electricity.
What to bring?
-comfortable clothes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
-note taking (blank pages recommended) and drawing materials
-ecological body care products
-sturdy shoes
-a swimming suit
-musical instruments, if you have!
How to participate?
Step 1: Please fill out the registration and pay a small deposit of €50 here.